Those of you that visit my old Southern ooaks know that I sometimes write about more than just my muse and her antics. (that means my art for those that don't know about my "muse" and you should come visit more often if you don't because she can be VERY whimsical) ^_^ This post is about the wonderful weekend we had. Remember back in APRIL when we had stopped by the 100th+ celebration of our local B&B. (For heavens hasn't been that long ago. I see you shaking your head. Just click on the word APRIL that I typed in that fancy type and refresh those noggins..hehe) We finally got to spend a night there and it was AWESOME!!! The Chazman said it best, "Wow Mom...if you don't look out the windows you would think we were in another time" and it was like stepping back into another time period. The place is a true Southern beauty.
High ceilings with all the ornate trim work, amazing chandeliers and antique furnishings that looked to be from the original 1908 period when the inn was first built.
All the rooms are decorated differently and all are simply breathtaking BUT we had the best room in the Inn...the Bridal suite.
Not that we used it for that purpose. I mean come on folks, we did have our 8yr old with us who INSISTED on sleeping in the bed with us (between us at that). It was a HUGE bed and under normal circumstances it would have been a good night's sleep. Well, it was a good night for ONE of us and to give you a sure wasn't the hubbikins or me. Thank the good LORD that I do not share a bed with my youngin every night and for who EVER he marries (in about another 20 years) I will have pity on her...really...I will!!!! I might even warn her ahead of time. Yeah...that would be being a good mother in law. Totally getting off the subject matter here. When the Chazman sleeps he is like a bucket of worms...the big ones that are all trying to wiggle to the bottom so they can't be pulled out and put on the end of the fishing line. This kiddo can squirm and wiggle better than any. I think a few times he actually tried to kick one or both of us out of the bed. It was still a wonderful time together. We walked around the inn and admired all the furnishings and photos. We even had a door leading outside to the wrap around porch (with a table and chairs) so that we could sit and just enjoy the breeze. It was a bit warm still in the afternoon or early evening but it was very nice Sunday morning sitting and drinking our coffee. Yes...while the Chazman snored away laying across the bed he finally had complete control of.
If you ever find yourself coming to visit our little "busy" town then make a point to at least walk into the Hotel Magnolia and take your step back into time.
Our weekend didn't end with our departure from the Inn....oh nooo...a great Sunday afternoon adventure began. We haven't gone to the beach much this summer and the Chazman has been wanting to go so we decided that we would go. I was really surprised that there weren't many folks at the beach (wait til this will be filled to max capacity for sure) We found our little spot to set our chairs up in. (after all of Chaz's ouuuu's and owwww's from walking on the hot sand and having the nerve to say "Carry me mom, ppplease". I could if I even wanted to..this boy is getting BIG) After putting on our sunscreen, we walked out into the ocean. We had to watch in places as the seaweed was abundant!!! The perfect place for certain sea creatures to hide out in and wait for that unsuspecting human to put their foot down. OMGOSH.....I'm so happy that we saw IT before it saw us and of course we just had to chase it. Thank goodness it was more afraid of us than we were of it. Well, as long as it was running AWAY from us we were brave. ^_^ Ohhhh, what was the creature? It was one of these..........
Can you tell from this photo just what we were chasing and very thankful it didn't turn to pursue US? Here is a shot when it is on the shore...out of the water...and looking a WHOLE lot meaner!!!
Our pursuit stopped dead in it's tracks then. momma didn't raise a complete fool and I'm not raising one at all. The Chazman said that we need to just let this guy go on it's way.....far.....far...away!!!! Now there were quiet a few of these lil boogers on the beach and do you know what other creature they tend to bring in closer...which we got a first hand up close look at. These guys.....
and these guys.............which were perfectly happy catching the small horseshoe crabs that were so enjoying hiding in the seaweed. Well at least they thought they were hiding. We had a few bigger feathered friends that joined in the seaweed buffet as well.
I have never seen so much nature in one place at the same time. It was overwhelming but in a good way. We definitely had some whimsical entertainment the whole afternoon. After we sat and watched these feathered friends the Chazzer and I decided to wade back into the water. soon as we walked out this is what floated by.....
Now I'm not that great of a photographer so my clear little friend we saw didn't want his picture taken so I borrowed this so you could see. A jelly fish. It's amazing so small a creature and one that seems completely harmless can hurt a person so badly. I didn't bring the vinegar with us (next time for sure I will) so we decided to get out of the water for a few more minutes and let it float on by or become part of the delicious buffet that was going on. While we were sitting in our chairs and eating a few crackers (and being laughed at and told "mine mine mine" by those pesky seagulls) a few more sea friends decided to entertain us. This is another borrowed photo as my little camera does not have a zoom lens and we actually have the smaller darker dolphins here with the exception of the albino dolphin that lives in the bay with a pod of the darker ones.
I could have watched these comical characters the rest of the afternoon. Apparently the seafood buffet was stretching way out there. They must have gone back and forth in the area we were in for at least 40 minutes. Jumping up in the air (and the more us that laughed and cheered the more jumping they did) flipping their tails and just having the best time. I have always been amazed by dolphins. So intelligent and curious...always matter what. Chaz decided it was time to get back in the water...he wanted to try and get them to come up closer. I told him that they were having to much fun playing and showing off but at least in the water we could get a tad closer to them. Hubbikins decided he would get in this time with us. I think he thought that they might come a tad closer too and he didn't want to miss that opportunity either.
Have you ever had a seaweed throwing contest? Well we did and I discovered that hubby doesn't play fair. He would be looking at the Chazzer and the next thing I know I was getting whacked with it. That's ok though...he got his several times too. While we were ducking and dodging I suddenly had an electrical shock go up my leg. I mean it HURT!! Hubby started laughing at me because he said that I looked like something had just...completely...."OUCH" he hollers...seems he got shocked too. (snicker snicker) I looked down and to my seems we surprised one of our local rays. Depending on size they can deliver quite a "shock" but thankfully these were small ones. Whew!!!
See I told you it was an adventure and one that I'm so happy that we were there for. Even if some of it was a bit "shocking". The Chazman is ready to go back this weekend. I'm not so sure though....Labor Day weekend....we will have to see!!
Until next time.............HUGS!!!!
Welcome to Southern OOAKS. Ooaks means "One Of A Kind Sculpt" All designs are unique and hand sculpted without the use of molds. Here under the old ooak tree you will also find my jewelry designs, needle felt designs and any other item that my muse has whispered to me to design. Come and sit a spell!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Do you hear the Ocean ?
A tiny shell
washed ashore
within a seaweed bed
Calls out to me
the ocean's perfect harmony
Not only do I hear
the swell and crashing
of the wave
I hear a tranquil lullaby
that to my heart does save
The knowledge that
a mermaid's song
is trapped inside a shell
A tiny shell
washed ashore
within a seaweed bed.
I love designing my ooaks and when I can add several different medians, then my muse is extremely happy. (not to mention myself ^_^) As most of you know...I have been working on a mermaid. A mermaid that combined my love of needle felting, cloth doll making and beading. I finally completed her. Let me introduce, Harmony!!
Her head and torso were needle felted using a cream colored wool. Of course, I started with a white core batting. She needed that added's tough swimming all the time and racing with the dolphins. Her eyes and lips were painted using acrylic paints. Her hair is a great fringed wool yarn that was needle felted to her scalp. OUCHIE!!!! HEY....I promise that no mermaid was harmed in the designing and sculpting process.
Her beautiful mermaid tail was hand sewn using a cotton fabric and then beaded using tiny glass sead beads. Her tail fins and hip fins were made from sequin fabric and netting. Her waist trim was made from a vintage piece of fringe. ( is a vintage piece...taken from a very old pillow sham) She stands at 8 inches. Part of her height comes from her beautiful but "poofy" hair. ^_^
Proof of "Poofy" hair
Front view
Side view (Vole Conch shell up to her ear)
Back view
Close up of bead work
Harmony has a fringe headband (made from the same vintage fringe around her waist) that has a small Capiz shell, Cockle shell and tiny crystal attached to the front. She has a tiny pearl bracelet and necklace. Her shell that was washed up in a seaweed bed and the one she is holding to her ear is a small Vole Conch shell.
Harmony loves standing against her Knobbed Whelk shell. She can also hide partially inside. Hmmmm, perhaps on some days she feels a bit "crabby" and needs to hide. We all have those days, ri iight??
Knobbed Whelk Shell
Feeling a bit crabby..hehe
Harmony will be available in my Etsy shoppe if anyone would be interested in having her come live with them. The Knobbed shell and another small fan shell (charcoal grey one in photo) will come with her. I can't very well send her off without a place for her to hide live in.
Until next time............HUGS!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
BOO.....Did we scare YOU????
I have bats,witches,cats,skeletons and spell books all flying around the room.
What's a gal to do?
Where's my fishing net?
I'll catch us one or two!!
I had so much fun designing these Li'l Halloween ornies. I hope that they don't SCARE you to much. Let's see just who might come out and say BOO!!!
One of the witches of Southern Ooaks. She is the biggest of the ornies. Well, I had to make one of them bigger so she could keep all the others in line. A gal can only be snucked ( of those Southern words hehe) up on so many times and and hear BOO!!! From her ruffled collar to the tip of her hat she is right at 3 1/2 inches. (the others range from just under 1 inch to just a tad over 2 inches but shhhhh don't tell them..they think they are just as big as witchie poo. Don't want anyone having any issues ya know. The beaded holder on most is right at 2 inches. Perfect for hanging on your Halloween tree or even putting them on a black ribbon to wear.
Close up of Witchie Poo..she's watching YOU
Can't forget the witches most powerful item. Her spell book. Wouldn't it be nice to have a spell book? One where you could make the broom and mop work on their own. Oh WAIT....didn't someone else do that and it didn't turn out so well. ^_^
I made the book to look like.....well....a book. It's hard to get pictures of tiny things ya know but I tried. The clay pages actually are split to look just like paper in a book. Witchie Poo even has her favorite spell marked with her magical bookmark.
Sebastin is Witchie Poo's familiar and believe me there are some times that he so wishes he wasn't. Like the time that she turned him into a dog. What self respecting cat would EVER want to be a flea bitten mutt?
Hootie is Witchie Poo's messenger owl. It seems as though his message for today has left him in quite a shock. Just look at those feathers!!! NO wonder he has to wear a owl breastplate. Ya know the saying "Please don't shoot hit the messenger".
Look at that open mouth would ya!! Hmmmmm..wonder just what the message was.
Man in the Moon just couldn't resist peeking in to see just what the old hag witch was up to. It seems that he asked a few friends to come along too.
Jack the Jackolantern...and NOO he isn't mean. He was just made that way. Bahahahahahahaha!!!!
Ruffles, Witchie Poo's first familar. She WAS a dog!!!
The Count had to tag along too. Have no fears though. He won't bite your neck BUT he will eat all of your candy corn.
Even Witchie Poo's boyfriend came along, Capt. Skellie. Poor soul.....someone really should have warned him about PMS and not antagonizing the witch at such a time!! Perhaps I should make her tshirt to wear during those nasty times. One that says "I have PMS and a hand gun...any further questions?" I guess Capt. asked one to many questions one day, huh?
These are the wacky, whimsical BOOcreatures that are haunting my studio at the moment. Please..won't you help me and my sanity and take a few home with YOU!!! Remember to use my coupon code "2HOTDAYS" until August 31st to receive 15% off any item in my Etsy shoppe.
Until next time........................HUGS!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Auction for Boobies!!
Well....I figured since you came to read about boobies I needed to show you some. So NOT what you expected, HUH? Ya know how quirky I am but if you felt that this really wasn't what you thought the title was about....then you would be exactly correct. This is about a serious topic and one that affects so many women and actually some men as please read on and help my friend Jennifer over at Just Jingle help "Stamp out cancer".
This is the second annual Blog 4 Boobies fundraiser!! Jennifer is participating in memory of friends that have lost their courageous battle with this horrible disease and for some that are still battling (and will WIN) and for some that have WON their battle.
Here is how Jennifer explains how this amazing fundraiser works. (with her permission, I am using some of her post to be a messenger about this very important event. PLEASE after you read my post here..... go...... and visit her to find all the links and see what you can do to help)
This is day 3 of the 3 day blog bounce (hop) where EVERY CARD OR PROJECT is up for auction!! Last year with everyone's help Skipping Stones Designs raised and donated $1108.99 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. It is their goal this year to raise $1500 so THEY NEED YOUR HELP!!!! There are 3 ways you can join in on the FUNdraising.
#1. YOU can help by going SHOPPING!! (and who doesn't like to shop?)
According to Jennifer for every stamp set that you purchase during August 15th til the 23rd SSD will donate $2 to the Komen Foundation. Two dollars can add up fast peoples!!! Go to Jennifer's post to actually see some of SSD's amazing products. She has the links there for you, ready and waiting!!
#2 YOU can help by BIDDING!!
There are some amazing folks that have joined in on this blog hop for Boobies and they are offering cards and projects up for auction. All YOU have to do to get them is to BID on them. Jennifer suggest that you start your bid at $5 ('s for a very good cause) Your bid not only includes the card or project but the shipping to your home as well. (that means free shipping peoples...FREE) To see all the details on how to place your bid (and you know you want to) Jennifer's original post.
Last but not least #3. YOU can help by telling all your friends (and they can tell their friends and they can tell...ummm I think you get the idea) The more folks that know, the more money that can be raised. Jennifer will even let you copy from her post...or you can copy from my post....share it on Facebook...or Twitter...or Google+...just SHARE it PLEASE!!!
Jennifer, known to most of us as "Just Jingle" is offering some really cute items herself. She of course used one of her Skipping Stones Design sets, Cancer Schmancer and a small dress form that SHE created (she is very crafty...just sayin) and she also used the Bras set from SSD. Her highest bidder will receive all THREE of these cute...cute items plus the stamp set. Take a warned though...YOU WILL WANT THEM!!!!
![Blogs for Boobies Auction Cards](
![Blogs for Boobies Auction Gift](
Now that I have youdrooling wanting to bid, go take a look at some of the other participants in this awesome hop. (remember to click on Jennifer's name anywhere in this post to be taken to her original post) Let's all do our part to save the TaTa's!! (that's what we call Boobies here in the South...hehe)
Day #3:
Rae Ann Barthel
Karen Baker
Pam Hornschu
Jennifer Ingle -You Are HERE!
Ria Johnson
Mel McCarthy
Stephanie Mino
Kandi Phillips
Wendy Price
Julia Stainton
Taylor Usry
Be sure to check out the other amazing designers from the past two days:
Day #2:
Teri Anderson
Ashley Cannon Newel
Karen Christensen
Jodi Collins
Kimberly Crawford
Jen Del Muro
Katie Gehring
Vanessa Menhorn
Kryssi Ng
Taylor Usry
Sankari Wegman
Day #1:
PaperCrafts Connections Blog (Renae Curtz)
Deb Felts
Michelle Giraud
Michelle Gross
Wendy Jordan
Sarah Martina Parker
Becky Olsen
Barb Turpin
Taylor Usry
Brenda Weaver
This is the second annual Blog 4 Boobies fundraiser!! Jennifer is participating in memory of friends that have lost their courageous battle with this horrible disease and for some that are still battling (and will WIN) and for some that have WON their battle.
Here is how Jennifer explains how this amazing fundraiser works. (with her permission, I am using some of her post to be a messenger about this very important event. PLEASE after you read my post here..... go...... and visit her to find all the links and see what you can do to help)
This is day 3 of the 3 day blog bounce (hop) where EVERY CARD OR PROJECT is up for auction!! Last year with everyone's help Skipping Stones Designs raised and donated $1108.99 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. It is their goal this year to raise $1500 so THEY NEED YOUR HELP!!!! There are 3 ways you can join in on the FUNdraising.
#1. YOU can help by going SHOPPING!! (and who doesn't like to shop?)
According to Jennifer for every stamp set that you purchase during August 15th til the 23rd SSD will donate $2 to the Komen Foundation. Two dollars can add up fast peoples!!! Go to Jennifer's post to actually see some of SSD's amazing products. She has the links there for you, ready and waiting!!
#2 YOU can help by BIDDING!!
There are some amazing folks that have joined in on this blog hop for Boobies and they are offering cards and projects up for auction. All YOU have to do to get them is to BID on them. Jennifer suggest that you start your bid at $5 ('s for a very good cause) Your bid not only includes the card or project but the shipping to your home as well. (that means free shipping peoples...FREE) To see all the details on how to place your bid (and you know you want to) Jennifer's original post.
Last but not least #3. YOU can help by telling all your friends (and they can tell their friends and they can tell...ummm I think you get the idea) The more folks that know, the more money that can be raised. Jennifer will even let you copy from her post...or you can copy from my post....share it on Facebook...or Twitter...or Google+...just SHARE it PLEASE!!!
Jennifer, known to most of us as "Just Jingle" is offering some really cute items herself. She of course used one of her Skipping Stones Design sets, Cancer Schmancer and a small dress form that SHE created (she is very crafty...just sayin) and she also used the Bras set from SSD. Her highest bidder will receive all THREE of these cute...cute items plus the stamp set. Take a warned though...YOU WILL WANT THEM!!!!
Now that I have you
Day #3:
Rae Ann Barthel
Karen Baker
Pam Hornschu
Jennifer Ingle -You Are HERE!
Ria Johnson
Mel McCarthy
Stephanie Mino
Kandi Phillips
Wendy Price
Julia Stainton
Taylor Usry
Be sure to check out the other amazing designers from the past two days:
Day #2:
Teri Anderson
Ashley Cannon Newel
Karen Christensen
Jodi Collins
Kimberly Crawford
Jen Del Muro
Katie Gehring
Vanessa Menhorn
Kryssi Ng
Taylor Usry
Sankari Wegman
Day #1:
PaperCrafts Connections Blog (Renae Curtz)
Deb Felts
Michelle Giraud
Michelle Gross
Wendy Jordan
Sarah Martina Parker
Becky Olsen
Barb Turpin
Taylor Usry
Brenda Weaver
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pssst...I have another secret!!!
WOW...I have done something that I normally don't do and that's have several different pieces going on at one time. I really hate to do it because....well...with my muse you never know when I might be enticed into combining some of those pieces together...hehe!! Hopefully she will behave herself while I work on each one idividually!!!!
I am working on some of my weebies/ornies and hope to have them listed in my Etsy shoppe by this weekend. With that being is my secret....for the whole month of August anyone that makes a purchase gets 15% off that item. All you have to do is enter the coupon code 2HOTDAYS at checkout. How easy peasy is that?
Some of the weebies/ornies are some of my Halloween ones and some football ones. Go ALABAMA....GO AUBURN!!! If you have a mascot for a different team you would like made just send me a note and I will see what I can do for you. I do realize that there are other colleges out there...aren't there?
Happy Monday Hugs......Regi
I am working on some of my weebies/ornies and hope to have them listed in my Etsy shoppe by this weekend. With that being is my secret....for the whole month of August anyone that makes a purchase gets 15% off that item. All you have to do is enter the coupon code 2HOTDAYS at checkout. How easy peasy is that?
Some of the weebies/ornies are some of my Halloween ones and some football ones. Go ALABAMA....GO AUBURN!!! If you have a mascot for a different team you would like made just send me a note and I will see what I can do for you. I do realize that there are other colleges out there...aren't there?
Happy Monday Hugs......Regi
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
It's the Halloween Gang!!
It's so hard to believe that it is August already. Where in the world did summer go? Ohhh's still here. Well, at least the triple digit temps are. A week and a half before school starts back. What happened to the time when the weather was cooler then. Ohhhh wait....I live in the South. It's hot until Christmas...LOL!!
I wanted to let everyone know that I have added some of the Halloween gang to the Etsy shoppe. The $10 off this week applies to them too. (After the 7th all prices are as posted) For those that are new to visiting the Southern Ooaks I have linked each photo with the original post. Some have a few WIP posts but I'm sure you can find those as you wander through the ooaks here. I love Halloween and I hope to get some more things made for the shoppe. Is there some spooky whimsical character you would like to see? I thought about perhaps some of my trick or treat mummies.
Or perhaps a few of my wee spell casters.
I have even been thinking about designing a few needle felted or felted characters. They can be used as pins, necklaces, or even attached to a head band. As you can tell my muse has been singing her wee lil head off these past few days. But that's a good thing...really it is!!!
Until next time..............HUGS, Regi
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Quick Peek
Finally...I completed the beading on one of the butterfly faery wings. YEA...ME!!! Today will be spent plucking more beads from the vintage dress that I am using for the black seed beads for this project. Hopefully (with fingers crossed) I will get to start on the other wing this afternoon. I really want to get this part finished so I can sculpt the Li'l fae that goes with them.
So...what are YOU working on today? Inquiringnosey minds want to know...hehe
Until next time..........HUGS!!!
So...what are YOU working on today? Inquiring
Until next time..........HUGS!!!
hand beading,
ooak sculptures,
ooaks artist,
WIP photos
Monday, August 1, 2011
I have a secret to share!!!
Are you one of my friends that likes to "Stamp It"? I know there are lots of very talented artist out there that love to create with paper and stamps that come to visit with me and I have a secret to share. I'm only sharing because she told me it was alright to do so now...otherwise I wouldn't...or couldn't...I'm good at keeping secrets. ^_^
My good friend, Jeanne Kupsh, is one of those VERY talented paper/stamp artist and has recently become a Stampin' Up independent demonstrator with her own website. She is so creative with her art and loves to share with others. With her own website now, she can share and coach and teach all in one place. Plus you can order all the goodies you will need directly from her. No running here and there trying to find the items you will need. She will also let you know about all the new products coming out and she promises to let you in on a few special offers along the way. What are you waiting for? Go check out her site and begin a fun journey in stamping and creating. would probably help to have a link....silly me....just go to Stampin' Up.
Until next time.....HUGS!!
My good friend, Jeanne Kupsh, is one of those VERY talented paper/stamp artist and has recently become a Stampin' Up independent demonstrator with her own website. She is so creative with her art and loves to share with others. With her own website now, she can share and coach and teach all in one place. Plus you can order all the goodies you will need directly from her. No running here and there trying to find the items you will need. She will also let you know about all the new products coming out and she promises to let you in on a few special offers along the way. What are you waiting for? Go check out her site and begin a fun journey in stamping and creating. would probably help to have a link....silly me....just go to Stampin' Up.
Until next time.....HUGS!!
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