Sunday, June 27, 2010

A day at the beach!!!

As most know, those of us here on the Gulf coast are having to deal with the oil spill. Some days are good..some days are bad. BUT and that's a big ole matter what the tide might have washed ashore the beach is still beautiful and the ocean sounds and smells soothe the soul. You have to watch which flags are flying each day, as some days there is no swimming allowed and that's for your safety. Some days though you can stick your feet in...reach in and retrieve that shell that washed up just under that last wave. There is so much to do here on our coast besides swim in the ocean. Sit and listen to the waves hitting the the seagulls dive in the water and come up with a tiny fish...a snack I presume. Build sand castles and dig holes. Watch the sun go down and the moon rise above. See the beautiful artwork that is God's gift to us....all the beautiful hues of purple, pink and blue. Just breathtaking.

Until next time.....Hugs, Regi


  1. Oh thank you for such wonderful pictures! We're going to the mountains for our vacation this year (for a brief escape from the heat). So, I really appeciate all the sights, sounds and smells you conjured with this post. I'll just have to live vicariously through you for the time being:)

  2. Thank you for sharing those lovely photos! Chaz certainly looks like he is enjoying himself!
    Day or night, it looks soothing and gorgeous.

  3. You are such a beautiful soul!! Thank you for the gift of YOU!!!! Much love and gratitude....hugs!

  4. Regi, I can see that you have nestled into your new home without any problems and have quickly become one of the neighborhood. It sounds like you have a beautiful community there. I can see that Chad is really enjoying himself. I am really happy that you guys have found a home you are pleased with. <3

