Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not wordless today....

 These are the kind of days that I really, really, really DO NOT LIKE!!!!! Did I mention REALLY? I have been working so hard on my mermaid...had her just like I wanted her.....put her in to bake and "POOF" out came one
 burnt mermaid. WHAAAAAAA!!! To top that off I picked her up....before I let her cool off enough apparently...ouch ouch ouch...and dropped her. Now there is one lil burnt very, very broken mermaid in the garbage and one grown woman getting up off the floor and wiping her tears. In all my years of working with clay I have only "gulp" burnt two pieces so I guess I should feel very fortunate about that at least. Now, it's time to start another one and believe me I'm going to be checking every 2 seconds on this one during the curing process.

I did want to mention today that I am having a sale in my Esty shoppe. I hope that you will wander on over and have a looksie.

Time to jump back over to the clay and let my muse fuss a bit about the mishap and then start all over. Ohhh, the joys of having a very over active imagination. Where is yours taking you today?



  1. So sorry for your loss! Burning a piece is always a heartbreaker. Hang in there!

  2. I'm sure it was just one of those days- but still- SO frustrating! I'm sure mermaid #2 will be even better...:)

  3. One day I added stained glass to the bottom of one of my planters. The Goddess planters have faces-similar to my banner. I placed them in the kiln to fire for the usual 12 hours. The next day when I opened the kiln, all the faces had fallen forward and slumped into the glass. It was the biggest mess imaginable-all ruined. I tried hard to think of other things I could use them for with no luck and into the garbage can they went. So..I know the heartbreak you felt but it happens to us all. Glad your spirit is mending and you are off working on more things!

  4. Oh, I am so sad with you right now! I totally know how that feels and ... well... it sucks! I hope you are able to create something you fall even more in love with this time around!

  5. I am sorry that your mermaid bit the dust. But I am sure your new one will be lovelier. I adore your alice dolls. I tried follow your blog but looks like google is having a tantrum and won't let me.

  6. oh no!!!! I've had it happen a couple of times as well. So sorry! Just think the next one will be so much easier to create, whats the old saying seeing the glass half full?
    hugs Lynn

  7. Oh! I'm sorry to hear that you lost one of your pieces! Putting all of that work and heart into a piece an dhaving it break must be heartbreaking! But you've made so many other beautiful pieces, I'm sure you have many more to come.

    xo Erin

  8. thanks for your comments on my blog, and that sucks! oh geee!
