Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

Greetings Moe!! Just doing my morning walkabout to get some inspiration. Yep,yep...morning Elmo!! Just staring out at the vast blue ocean to get mine.

Hey wait up Elmo!!! I think I will join you on that walkabout. I need some inspiration. Slow down..will ya?
Whew...that Elmo sure can walkabout fast. I think I will just walk by myself for a bit. Whew...I'm pooped!!!
OK I think I will just stop and stare out at the ocean again. She always gives me inspiration...and a few other gifts..if I'm patient.
See....she left some sea floor beauties. Not much I can do with them but I know a human who can do amazing things with them.

As you can see, we have some very whimsical and comical characters that live here and I am always being whispered to when I see them.(or look at the beauties that the ocean does offer up to us)  Now, I'm off to make a few tiny mermaids to go with these shell bases. What are you working on today?

Until next time........HUGS!!!


  1. Love how you use nature's craft store! My show and tell for the week will be up tomorrow on my blog.

  2. Soooo cool!! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
