Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Old Folkes are here......

Today we are going to venture down the hall where the "Old Folkes" reside. No need to be quite as they are probably still snoozing. I do believe that they stay up all night.....I hear noises of dancing, laughter and just plain old merry making coming from my studio when we have long been snoring snoozing ourselves. Enjoy peeking in the rooms and seeing these old but loveable characters. If you are a new visitor to Southern Ooaks....welcome!!
Click on the caption under the photo and you will be taken to the original posting of these whimsical beings.

These are my senior residence of Southern Ooaks and I so hope you enjoyed visiting them as much as they enjoyed the visit. I'm sure we will hear all about you tonight when all the laughter and chatter starts long after we have gone to bed. 

Tomorrow I think we will visit the magical and mystical floor of Southern Ooaks. Hope you will come on by to take the tour. Until then......



  1. They are cute but what has me more intrigued is your "magical- mystical" floor? Can't wait.

  2. Wonderful "Old Folks"! Looking forward to seeing the floor too.

  3. Hey Regi,

    Had to come check up on your amazing pieces.
    And I love these. I mean I know there old folks, but looks at the detail. Amazing really :)!

    I did want to let you know I added some more of my art work on the Art/Project Page, and I thought you might want to see it.

    And oh, Trust me! I will be back to take the mystical floor visit! :)

    Take Care,
    -Amanda T

  4. How sweet these olde folks are...and how nice of them to allow us to visit! :) Theresa

  5. Regi, I LOVE these folk, thank you so much for sharing them! Looking forward to tomorrow's visit!
