Monday, November 15, 2010

BHG Photo Faves

I am so excited. I entered the Better Homes and Gardens handmade ornament contest on their website this weekend and today I received an email that my ROLL TIDE weebie has been chosen to be in the running for this week's winner. How AWESOME is that? The weekly winner wins $100 and then gets to go on to be one of the ornaments that has a chance to be the Grand prize winner. That prize is $1000 and a chance for the ornament to be in BHG magazine. Talk about an amazing Monday and most think Monday's are bad. Oh nooooo....not me anymore!! 

I need your help in this please. I need votes...lots and lots of votes. I would be ever so greatful...honest I would and if you ever need a vote for something then I will return the favor. I'm just so excited. Did I say that already? Oops...probably did..hehe!! Go vote and then share with your friends. Remember to go vote each day until Nov. 21st. I'm sure your friends would love to see all the cute ornaments that have been entered but just make sure you tell them to vote for me...please!!!

Just click on the link below and VOTE!!!! BIG BIG HUGS!!!!  Regi

Vote Here at BHG


  1. Thank you Theresa..I can always count on you my friend.


  2. I have voted, keep my fingers crossed!

  3. Thank you so much are such a great friend.

