Friday, December 4, 2009

The adventure begins....

What a fantastic place...The Harrison Brothers Hardware Museum in Huntsville, Alabama. I do believe that another trip is going to be planned just to go back and see all the wonderful items found there. I think an entire day could be spent wondering up the aisles and you still wouldn't see everything. From the time you open the front door and step walk back in time. All the original shelving and bins....the original  ornate cash register sitting at the front. Even some of the original items the hardware store sold so many years ago. The flooring is still the old large wood planks with pieces of tin patching up any holes. A beautiful Christmas display was set up at the back of the store on the original pulley elevator. The curator, Ginger Cobl, has done an outstanding job keeping the integrity of the store. A mix of old and new. Even when wondering through and looking at all the new items for sell you never step out of that time period. You feel as though each piece belongs there. I am honored that my ooaks have a place there. I am honored to be known as one of the artist attached to this historical site.

I am so excited to be able to say that I have a display in a shop. I was so excited as a matter of fact that I totally forgot to take any pictures..LOL!  My sweet hubby did however take a few with his cell phone. Not being a bigger user of the cell I was so happy that he was...for once!!

I'm now back in my studio designing some new pieces. I plan on taking up more ooaks for the different holidays, plus some of my faeries and Native Americans. So if you are up in the Huntsville area please go to the museum and ask for Southern Ooaks. I'm sure one of my wee ones will whisper to you to take them home.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We were with family and had a wonderful time....full of adventures. Those tales I will save for another post. Christmas is just around the corner and I hope that each of us remembers the reason for the season. Merry Christmas to all and until next time.....


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