Monday, November 26, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!!

I hope that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!! I know that we did. It's always fun to go visit family but it's always good to come back home too. The Chazman was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and claimed this morning that he was coming home from school, eating a snack, doing his homework and going to bed. HA!!! Like that will EVER happen. What WILL happen is that he WILL come in and get a snack and he WILL do his homework but instead of going to bed he WILL play a PS3 game. That's what will happen...I can gairruntee it!! (yes yes I know I spelled guarantee have to say it like it's spelled then it will sound like Troy from Swamp people..hehe)

I have been doing laundry and working on....Can you guess what? Yes a Santa. How in the world did ya know? HAHA  It feels like I have been working on these forever but that's alright...I really like it!! It's nice taking a break here and there from working on them. Today the break time is laundry and tomorrow it will be putting up our Christmas decorations. That might turn into a very longgg break..hehe!!'s my messy table filled with SANTA..hehe

Until next time..........Hugs,

Psssttt.....I have been working on a pencil/pen drawing too. I need to practice on human characters but I think my niece will like this. She is getting married Dec 15th and sent me two invitations instead of one, so I figured she was "hinting" at me. ^_^  I did the drawing on vellum and I placed it over the invitation. Do you think she will like it? I pulled up a photo of them and then started drawing. I hope so but shhhhhhhhhh....she NEVER reads my blog so I don't know why I'm shhhushing you but just in case...Don't's a secret!!

Don't they make the cutest couple? YES, they do is your answer..hehe

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